Apex Group

  • Welcome To APEX GROUP of Companies

    APEX Group specializes in Dewatering and Foundation related work in Construction zone of area.

    Welcome To APEX GROUP of Companies
  • One of the UAE Leading Brand APEX GROUP

    APEX Group specializes in Dewatering and Foundation related work in Construction zone of area.

    One of the UAE Leading Brand APEX GROUP
  • Welcome To APEX GROUP of Companies

    APEX Group specializes in Dewatering and Foundation related work in Construction zone of area.

    Welcome To APEX GROUP of Companies
  • One of the UAE Leading Brand APEX GROUP

    APEX Group specializes in Dewatering and Foundation related work in Construction zone of area.

    One of the UAE Leading Brand APEX GROUP
  • Welcome To APEX GROUP of Companies

    APEX Group specializes in Dewatering and Foundation related work in Construction zone of area.

    Welcome To APEX GROUP of Companies
  • One of the UAE Leading Brand APEX GROUP

    APEX Group specializes in Dewatering and Foundation related work in Construction zone of area.

    One of the UAE Leading Brand APEX GROUP
  • Welcome To APEX GROUP of Companies

    APEX Group specializes in Dewatering and Foundation related work in Construction zone of area.

    Welcome To APEX GROUP of Companies
  • One of the UAE Leading Brand APEX GROUP

    APEX Group specializes in Dewatering and Foundation related work in Construction zone of area.

    One of the UAE Leading Brand APEX GROUP
  • Welcome To APEX GROUP of Companies

    APEX Group specializes in Dewatering and Foundation related work in Construction zone of area.

    Welcome To APEX GROUP of Companies
  • One of the UAE Leading Brand APEX GROUP

    APEX Group specializes in Dewatering and Foundation related work in Construction zone of area.

    One of the UAE Leading Brand APEX GROUP
  • Welcome To APEX GROUP of Companies

    APEX Group specializes in Dewatering and Foundation related work in Construction zone of area.

    Welcome To APEX GROUP of Companies


    Beginning in 1995, under the dynamic Chairmanship Mr. S.P Singh Oberoi with global outlook “APEX INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION L.L.C.


    We Have Done Best Dewatering and Micropiling Work In Dubai. We Have The Best Machines , Team And Experience.


    Beginning in 1995, under the dynamic Chairmanship Mr. S.P Singh Oberoi with global outlook “APEX INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION L.L.C.” has been doing the work on different construction projects in the U.A.E. and outside of the country also. With a strong mix of commitment and discipline supported by hard work have helped the firm take great strides to add the land Dewatering services in the license on 7/2004 and become “APEX INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION AND LAND DEWATERING L.L.C.”. Now company offers skills and capabilities in executing land dewatering contracts or sub-contracts. The company also involved conducting Tie-Back Anchoring for the shoring wall support & conducting Compression static load test for the Pile. As a service driven firm company maintains a profile that caters to customers’ requirements.


    Beginning in 1995, under the dynamic Chairmanship Mr. S.P Singh Oberoi with global outlook “APEX INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION L.L.C.” has been doing the work on different construction projects in the U.A.E. and outside of the country also. With a strong mix of commitment and discipline supported by hard work have helped the firm take great strides to add the land Dewatering services in the license on 7/2004 and become “APEX INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION AND LAND DEWATERING L.L.C.”. Now company offers skills and capabilities in executing land dewatering contracts or sub-contracts. The company also involved conducting Tie-Back Anchoring for the shoring wall support & conducting Compression static load test for the Pile. As a service driven firm company maintains a profile that caters to customers’ requirements.

    Contact Us

    Our Company

    Quality Security Solution For Industries

    With decades of experience in the dewatering and micro piling industry, we have mastered the art and science of building. Whether it’s residential, commercial, or industrial projects, our team of experts brings unparalleled expertise and dedication to every endeavour.


    We have facility of having our workshop located at Aweer and Ajman fully equipped with required tools to take care of any emergency works at any time. All the required Equipment / Machinery are available with us along with all the spare parts of Pumps, Engines and other machinery.


    General repair of all our dewatering and micro piling equipment is taken care by team of professional mechanics who are always mobile to take care of breakdowns at sites round the clock.


    We have trained professional people for Dewatering jobs of various categories. We are competent to handle jobs of all types with varying depth and different soil strata’s in this part of the world.

    About Us

    At Apex Group, we believe that every brick we lay, every beam we raise, and every project we undertake is a testament to our commitment to excellence. With a proud history, a passionate team, and a relentless pursuit of perfection, we have established ourselves as a leader in the dewatering and micro piling industry.Our vision is simple yet powerful: to build structures that stand the test of time and create spaces where memories are made. We strive to be at the forefront of dewatering innovation, setting new industry standards, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible.


    Apex Group provides a wide range of construction services, including land dewatering, micro piling, remodelling, renovation, landscaping, and more.

    Yes, Apex Group is fully licensed and insured. We comply with all local and state regulations to ensure the safety and quality of our work.

    Absolutely! We have a portfolio of completed projects and can provide references upon request. You can also check out our gallery on our website to see some of our work.

    Apart from above our service features include:

    A thorough implementation of project requirements and total support for all on site activities during project implementation.

    The monitoring of the project on continuous basis being done by engineering wing of the company.

    The methodology during execution is explained apprehensively through drawings generated by professional AutoCAD personnel.
    The motto of the company is to always give our best and provide the highest quality services from all quarters of our organization. With this commitment we enter into a dialogue with our customer in which advice and cooperation are the keywords.

    The jobs of dewatering completed recently and jobs in hand on different projects along with machinery/equipment duly run by technicians are incorporated in the enclosed profile. Apart from implementation and professional know-how we are duly equipped with all the allied equipment’s and machinery.

    Certificate of Registration

    "I had the pleasure of working with Apex Group on a recent home renovation project, and I couldn't be happier with the results. Their attention to detail, craftsmanship, and commitment to quality are truly exceptional. The team was professional, reliable, and transparent throughout the entire process. Apex Group turned my vision into reality, and I can't thank them enough for creating the perfect space for my family."

    Umer Sheikh Client

    "I highly recommend Apex Group for your land dewatering and micro piling project. They transformed my commercial space into a modern, functional masterpiece. From the initial design phase to the final finishing touches, their team exhibited professionalism and dedication. The project was completed on time and within budget, exceeding my expectations. I'll definitely choose Apex Group for my future land dewatering needs."

    Sara Jay Client

    "Apex Group is the epitome of excellence in land dewatering and micro piling. They did their job with precision and care. Their team guided us through the entire process, ensuring every detail was perfect. Their commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency was a big plus. Our home is not only beautiful but also eco-friendly. Thank you, Apex Group, for making our dream come true!"

    Yasir Hameed Client

    Request A Quote

    Ready to partner with a construction company that shares your passion for excellence? Contact us today, and let’s start building something extraordinary together.

    Committed To Delivering High Quality
    Construction And Innovative Ideas.

    Projects & Residentials Completed
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    Qualified Workers & Employees Worked With Us

    Explore our portfolio of completed projects and request references to see the quality of our work.

    Satisfied Clients We Worked With In U.A.E and GCC

    Project timelines vary, but we’ll provide estimates and keep you informed throughout.

    Years of Experience In The Industry

    We handle permits and approvals, ensuring compliance with local regulations.

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